All DCSS courses are taught from a biblical worldview. Each teacher is an active follower of Jesus and attends church regularly. Connections are routinely made between the content in the lesson with biblical principles. we are able to meet the needs of all students regardless of their learning challenges. All IEP’s are recognized and integrated into the teacher’s lessons and expectations.
Grade 9/10
All grade 9-10 courses will be taught in a traditional classroom setting. DCSS has five main classrooms complete with whiteboards, desks, chairs and Wi-Fi. DCSS also has access to a gym and kitchen that can be used for various purposes. The courses taught at DCSS will be the same courses the student would receive in a public school. There are a number of compulsory credits that The Ministry of Education expects each Ontario student to receive in grade 9/10 and DCSS will be providing each of these. There are two optional courses in the grade 9-10 years and DCSS will direct each of the students to take Healthy Active Living as one of them. The other optional course will be either Music or Art as decided by each student. French will also be available should a student desire to continue it past the required grade 9 level.
Grade 11/12
Up to 8 of the 14 credits in grade 11/12 will be DCSS taught and marked. At least 6 of the 14 will be taken through Nimbus Online Christian Education Those 6 credits taken with Nimbus will be official Ontario Credits and will gain DCSS students the ability to earn an OSSD.
Nimbus Christian Education
Nimbus Christian Education (NCE) has committed to facilitate a DCSS student’s graduation provided they take 6 of their last 8 credits toward graduation with NCE. DCSS students will have an NCE teacher for each of their NCE courses.In addition to their NCE teacher, DCSS will provide teachers assigned as mentors to each course to provide in-person support to students. DCSS mentors will reinforce the lessons provided in the NCE courses.