Healthy Active Living
Each grade 9/10 student will be expected to take Healthy Active Living with DCSS. There will be an in class component that will cover all of the health related topics relevant to their grade level. The ‘Active’ part of the course will be satisfied in class and supplemented by participation in DCSS intramurals. Gr. 11/12 students will have the option of taking Healthy Active Living in their senior years.
Students are guaranteed a spot on an intramural team. We will play a different sport each month. There will be league games during lunch periods followed by a one-day ‘fest’ tournament to decide a champion. Participation on an intramural team is a prerequisite for participation on a SOCSSAA team. The best athletes from the intramurals will be chosen to participate on the SOCSSAA team.
The ‘Fest’ days will be days where we cancel classes. Many students will be involved with the intramural tournament and others may be involved in providing food for the day. Classes will run as normal on SOCSSAA tournament days since this only involves those students that were selected for that team.
Students will have the opportunity to participate in up to 7 of the all-day tournaments run by SOCSSAA. The team will be selected from the players that participated in the intramurals.