Our Policies

At DCSS, we desire to make the most effective use of current technology during the education process. Electronic and internet technology is a tool that, when used properly, can greatly improve the learning experience of students. However, it also has the power to distract us from our goals or to be used in ways that have a negative impact. This policy has been developed to help keep electronics a positive and valuable resource in the DCSS classroom.

1. There is a zero tolerance policy for all electronics from the time the student arrives at DCSS in the morning until devotions is over. This is generally about 8:20 to 9:10 each morning. DCSS would like to encourage the students to engage in conversation with each other, worship and the study of the Word during this time. Devices should be kept in student lockers during this time.

2. Students must leave all personal handheld devices in their lockers during class time and over the lunch hour (12:00-12:50). There are no exceptions to this rule. If a student does not have a functioning laptop then they will need to do all their work with pen and paper until the laptop is fixed. This applies to all classes. Students will not be permitted to charge personal devices during the school day. Students are permitted to check their personal devices in between classes and at the very beginning of lunch hour (11:45-12:00)

3. Students are expected to bring laptops to class each day unless a teacher asks them not to for a specific reason. For example, a teacher might not want students bringing laptops to class if he/she is showing a movie. While students are permitted to bring laptops to class, they are not allowed to use them for social media or games during class time. These laptops must have a working battery as they will not be permitted to plug them in during class time. DCSS will provide a charging station at the school in case they need to recharge over the lunch hour.

4. Electronics will not be used for games, movies or videos of any kind during the school day. We desire to maintain an atmosphere conducive to getting our school work completed. We also do not want to encourage movies or games as there are many different standards of acceptance among families.

5. At any time, students should be mindful that they represent DCSS and should be acting in an appropriate manner while on their electronic devices. Behaviour such as bullying, visiting inappropriate sites, or posting inappropriate material during school hours could result in the student losing the privilege to use electronics while at DCSS.

Students are expected to be in attendance for all DCSS classes and events.

Attendance will be kept by each teacher and reported in the mid-term and final report cards.

All student absences must be communicated to each classroom teacher by emailing them prior to the absence. This is for our school records, the safety of the student and for accountability.

There is no formal uniform or dress code at DCSS. We simply ask that all clothing be neat and modest. We do expect all shirts to cover the shoulders and come down below the waist. If you are unsure if certain items of clothing are appropriate for DCSS then please feel free to contact the principal.

Students should bring a change of clothes appropriate for sports practices and physical education class. Clean shoes are required for the gym. In the winter, students are expected to bring footwear that will be worn indoors only.

Students in phys ed class, intramurals or SOCSSAA sports must wear a DCSS t-shirt, hoodie or jersey.

Each student is expected to purchase a sports jersey that they will then keep. It will be used for any sports they compete in as well as some school functions.

DCSS hoodies/t-shirts will be ordered in the fall and are optional for all students.

DCSS students are expected to strive to act in such a way that is honouring to God, respectful of their teachers and caring towards fellow students.

Based on Colossians 3:1-17 we expect the students to reject; “anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, and filthy language.” We also expect them to grow in their understanding of what it means to be a new creation by embracing “kindness, humility, meekness, patience, bearing with each other and forgiveness”

We do not expect perfection, but we do expect each student to sincerely seek a greater desire to serve God. If a student makes a mistake in character then we will look for a repentant heart. If negative behaviour persists, we will contact the parents and make a plan together on how best to deal with the situation.